Geoff's Oddments

These engines are mainly one off examples which don't fit into any specific category

D R Mercer **SOLD**

D. R. Mercer working models are produced by a small Birmingham based precision engineering company.
All parts are hand made to ensure a high quality finished model.
Built to a scale of 5/8th of an inch to the foot.
The boiler is constructed from brass, fully silver soldered, hydraulically tested with a working pressure of 15psi and fired by a spirit lamp with two wicks as standard.

Engine specifications-

Double acting cylinder, bore- 3/8th Stroke- 11mm
Valve- Slide type Valve Gear- Stephensons.


This is my Mercer which I bought as a running model needing some work.
I stripped it down to the bare metal and also had the hull sandblasted, The whole engine and hull were re painted and all the brasswork polished.




Kenneth Wells TE**SOLD***

Let's start with the Kenneth Wells story.
One of the joys of collecting the Wells TE is that no two are ever the same, different colours, slight differences in the castings, long and short boilers.
It's also interesting [from an engineers point of view] to see some of the basic mistakes that the young engineers were making.
Holes off centre and strange bends on the fire boxes. We must remember that the youngsters were only 16/17 when they built these engines.
For those new to the hobby here's a short bio of Kenneth Wells:
In 1972 Kenneth Wells, the Master in Charge of Metalwork at Manor Court School, Portsmouth, England wrote a volume of three books under the general title of
"Step by Step Metalwork".
The first and second of these books showed pupils how to make pin trays, plant stands, towel rails and toast racks. However the third volume only contained two projects. The first was a stationary live steam engine and the second a live steam Traction Engine.

I have owned a lot of the KW engines over the years - someone said it was the best collection of KW engines ever. However time moves on and all but one engine has been sold off.

I still have "Old Blue" my first Kenneth Wells TE which started the whole thing off for me.



Chuff Pots ***SOLD***

I own 2 chuff pots, one bought on ebay and the other far prettier one
was made by a guy in Melbourne.

Dean's Engine

Dean is a talented engineer from the USA. He made this engine for me.

The flywheel diameter is 30mm.


Ben Peake Engines

These engines are made in Queensland Australia.

The smallest one is called Nano and is a mere 25mm tall with a flywheel of 7mm.

These engines belong to Jenny.


Wilesco D2

This also belongs to Jenny.


Putt Putts or Pop Pops.....

Three different models:

One is a standard boat from an Indian manufacturer, second is a model of a
Gozitan Luzzu and third is a model of SS Earnslaw a full sized steam ship which sails on Lake Wakatipu in New Zealand's south island.


PM Research Dynamo **SOLD ***

Built from a machined kit. Here are the specifications.

Speed: 5300 RPM
Voltage: 10 VDC @ 10 Watts
Voltage no load: 12 VDC
Max Current: 2.4 Amps


Oil Cans by Rega

Rega Products Ltd. made and still makes agricultural and horticultural spraying equpiment, machines, atomisers, inflators, lacquer and paint spray equipment for home, garage, factory, veterinary instruments, oil cans and bucket spray water pumps for Australians.

Started in circa 1928 in Marrickville NSW, now located as

Rega Oil Cans Pty Limited in Castle Hill, NSW


Victoria Boiler

4"x2.5", silver soldered and can run to 60 PSI
but the SV is set to about 15 PSI